Getting Down and Dirty

Through various circumstances, I’ve been in the fortunate position to have to take a deep dive into sections of our business that normally “tick along”. It’s been a very interesting journey, and something I wholeheartedly encourage all business owners and managers to do from time to time. Here’s why. When things are progressing well and […]


Knowing when to shut up

It’s become known as the Gillette moment. It should have been a wake up call to companies and associations that there are many topics that the leaders of these entities should simply stay away from altogether. Why do entities stray from their charter, especially on controversial topics where irrespective of the virtue of the opinion, […]

Spiral light background. Free public domain CC0 photo.

Undoing the spin

In 12 short months, Australia has been put into an inflation (or wage-price) spiral. What is it? What is causing it? And how do we stop being spun off track? An inflation spiral is the cause-and-effect relationship where rising wages increases the price of goods and services, increasing both the cost base and potentially the […]

RDW QLD Rock Breakers workshop and office

Time to Come Clean

Credibility and good ethics are essential to keeping a business sustainable. Businesses and investors are outdoing each other to puff up their green credentials, after all, impressing customers, staff and peers with how green we can be is according to many surveys a key success factor. ASIC is now finally cracking down on so called […]

INCAT Electric

Life’s like a freeway

For a number of years now, I have held a firm belief that businesses and our society evolves at the pace of the Lowest Common Denominator. This applies to most things around us but is easiest to explain with this example. Think of driving down a two-lane freeway with a 100 km/h speed limit (a […]

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Somethings gotta give

Where is everybody? Having enjoyed over 30 years of consecutive growth and improvements in living standards, we’ve become accustomed to an increasingly cushy lifestyle. There’s now a push for a 4-day working week whilst keeping weekly earnings unchanged, which is likely to gain widespread populistic support. But how is the extra 20% of work going […]

AI disruptive technology background in blue with robotic hands remixed media

Too smart for our own good?

For the first time, this article has in part been written by “something”, rather than someone. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is well and truly here, and many jobs can already be done without people. First, let’s hear from Chat GPT (I shortened the full responses), then I’ll take the controls again. Let us know what you […]

ALLU Crusher in the RDW QLD rock breakers Warehouse

New year, new you?

Are you one of the 41% of people who made a New Year’s resolution? Those who set goals are 10 times more likely to achieve than those who don’t. Hate to be the person to break it to you, but new years resolutions have a higher failure rate than normal goals. Why? People just don’t […]

Hacker working in the darkness

Can’t hack it?

One of the key assets of a business or institution is the information they collect. So it should be no surprise that data hacking has now escalated to the point where it is a potentially devasting threat to business and individuals. 32% of Australians have had their data exposed in the past year, compared to […]


What Quiet Quitting means to you

Do you have Quiet Quitters in your midst? Are they quitting on you, or on their lives in general? Why are they professing to this mindset, and what can you do about it? Quiet Quitting started on TikTok and is moving onto other social media through the “look at me” influencers. As the term is […]