RDW News


The early bird gets the employee

It has been tough for many businesses for a few years now to fill outstanding roles with good candidates. There isn’t a magic bullet for suddenly lifting the quality of the talent pool, but there are still some great strategies businesses can use to capture the good fit candidates that are there, as well as […]


Get that job!

Having recently both recruited people as well as helped several people find suitable employment, thought I’d share some winning strategies for candidates that will almost guarantee you the job you want. This will hopefully also help wake some people up as to why they never seem to get anywhere with their careers.

RDW Machinery Yards

Bad things happen when good people do nothing

How does it get to this? That has been the reaction not just to the last few editions of our Newsletter which raised legislative changes on our industry but reflects comments from people throughout our society with increasing frequency over the past 2 years. How do rules and regulations come about? And rather than winge, […]

A person sitting behind a desk covered with stacks of documents

Being sold a pup

What happens when something is not as advertised? That warm inner glow we had when we bought the contraption disappears, and we end up feeling cheated. Business is about to be hit with the next super-costly business killing regulation. What is it, and what should you do?

A cartoon of an old lady sitting on a train

The cost of “free”

Sustainable: adjective, able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. It has become a term with environmental connotations but applies to anything. If something is not sustainable, it will collapse. Consider this example of “free” transport to the value of a brand new car!

Man holding a stop sign on the side of the road

Stop taking the p*$$

“We” need to do better. Australia has had great times and until a year ago over 30 years of uninterrupted growth and improved prosperity. Unfortunately, we’ve kind of just been along for the ride. Now is the time for our industry to stand up for itself – sell the message of what we do well; […]

Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge at sunset

Better Bang for our bucks

Most people wouldn’t be against Australia hosting the Olympics if we felt that we were getting value for money and that the core functions of Government were delivering the way they should. When was the last time any major infrastructure was completed on time and/or on budget? And despite all the supposed advances in technology, […]

image depicting change to employment

Killing them softly

Mark Monday the 26th of August as the day Casual employment died in Australia. Casual employees will lose their 25% casual loading as employers are forced to make them either unemployed or part/full time employees. It won’t suddenly happen on the day, but progressively over the coming year. The over 700 pages in the Closing […]

Workmen placing tiles on a house roof

Not as safe as houses

We are in truly unique times. A record amount of construction work needs to be done, prices are going up, yet productivity is going backwards, and we now have record insolvencies not just in Construction, but across our economy. How could things go so wrong? And how do we get out of this construction death […]

Image of a lady holding a sign that says

Business Activists

In the 1990’s environmental, social justice (not even a term back then) and other “idealists” were generally well intentioned and respected people who volunteered their time to make on the ground differences to their cause, for instance by picking up rubbish or hands on assisting people in need. Nowadays, noisy “activists” have taken over, and […]