
machinery at work

ALLU Screening & Processing Bucket

We recently dropped off a bucket to a composting business & ran organic material through the bucket. The previous process involved putting compost through the screening plant to retain the small particle size portion, with the majority of the material being oversize and ending up in the waste pile. The stock piles that the customer […]


Cash flow – the life of your business

Cash is like blood that flows through the body: if it stops then the patient will die, even if the patient is otherwise healthy. A recent study by East & Partners found that for 86% of Construction companies their biggest issue is cash flow. Whether your business is growing (which is why 59% of businesses […]

Allu drums Blades

Transforming the future – all around Australia

      Transforming the future – all around Australia Hot on the successful launch of the ALLU Transformer products, RDW Excavator Parts (RDW) now has a national dealer network that shares the commitment to providing a value for money solution using high quality products. Equally important is the capability of the network to confidently […]

man fishing

Let The Future Be Dammed

Let the future be dammed “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man how to catch a fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”. This statement applies not only to work, but to all finite resources. Another way to look at it is that we can spend now […]

used machinery

Things to Consider When Buying New or Used Machinery

When purchasing machinery, you need to ensure you make the right choices. To help you achieve the best possible outcome, we have put together a few tips to guide you when buying used earthmoving equipment. Consider Your Needs Make a list of uses you need the equipment to fulfil and weigh up your options. Consider […]

measuring tapes

What gets measured gets done – set your 1% challenge!

What gets measured gets done – set your 1% challenge! The only way to improve is to know your starting point, set a goal, then measure tasks and performance that lead to that goal. Whether in business or on the sporting field, winners know and understand this. Many years ago now and reasonably early in […]

Allu municipal waste

Waste & Recycling in QLD

Waste & Recycling in QLD Queensland’s new waste levy was announced in Qld’s 2018/2019 State Budget in a bid to move towards a European model of recycling. The (LGAQ) Local Government Association of Queensland’s wants no waste sent to landfill by 2028, a goal which is already being achieved in Sweden and Finland in part […]

blending traffic image

Money Where Your Mouth Is

Money where your mouth is Ever since we found that the statistics used to justify building toll roads and tunnels were so far out of whack with reality, you’d think that all researchers who conduct these studies should have learned from these findings so as not to repeat them. Actual traffic flows that turn out […]

Excavator Undercarriage

Quick Tips to help Maintain your Excavator Undercarriage

It was once a common practice in the heavy equipment industry to run a set of tracks until they failed or came apart. This was in part due to a lack of properly trained operators and to a greater extent the fact that excavators were designed more for ease of production rather than serviceability. Thankfully, […]

Machinery Service

Fitting Times

Fitting times As for any business or industry, it is important to pre-empt upcoming issues and factors that will impact on us, so we can plan accordingly. I found this chart by Queensland Economic Advocacy Solutions (QEAS) on Qld Apprenticeships particularly concerning. Once a problem is identified, it’s important to find a solution, but on […]